Monday, June 20, 2011

Movie Trailer: Attack The Block

Joe Cornish is most noted for having his fingers in allot of Edgar Wrights work but 'Attack the Block' is his first feature. It's about Aliens and finally got a U.S release date recently which gave me more hope it'll be hopefully coming here to Australia sometime soon.

The trailer itself isn't going to promote the film well outside the U.K and that's why I think there is an U.S one somewhere. The use of 'the block' isn't used the same outside the U.K. Also the humour/scare mixture isn't what you'd see in a Hollywood movie. Having someone ripped out a window or such would quickly be followed by a quick joke and laugh to emphasis that 'this movie is a comedy.' Where as here it is up for debate if you wish to, or simply have to put a label/genre on every movie you see beforehand.

I'm personally very excited for this film for it's cast/setting/story, it all seems great to me and I'm more interested in this than allot of things that are coming out for the rest of the year.

Via: Youtube

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