Top Ten Movies of 2010:
2010 was a year of many good movies and many bad along with the continuing push of 3D, which contained more bad than good movies in its port-folio. Although not having seen many of the film’s that I’m sure will be Oscar nominated this year like The Social Network, True Grit and the King’s Speech, I have seen my fair share of movies in 2010 and thus I give you Dylan’s top 10 movies of 2010. It is also to be noted that the movies included must have had a theatrical release in Australia in 2010 to be included, not just a DVD release and the list is simply in Alphabetical order not best not as best.
1. Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom was a little Australian film that did more than I thought it would. Upon hearing the original premise I assumed this was just a movie pushing the same territory that the TV show Underbelly had been gaining success upon. I sat down to watch it in that mindset and was blown away. Not just at the end of the film but through out, the cast is terrific and the cinematography actually said ‘This is an Australian film.’
2. Inception
Being a Christopher Nolan fan I assumed his next film after The Dark Knight would be good and Inception was on the top of my list of movies I was highly anticipating in 2010, little did I know he was about to release something as mind-boggling as his first feature Memento. On top of a great script and cast Inception also contains some of the best special effects of the year and Hanz Zimmers soundtrack was fantastic.
Inception Review
3. Jackass 3D
Jackass won’t be getting any Oscar nods or awards anywhere (other than maybe MTV) but this third iteration of stunts, pranks and mayhem was the best. Jackass 3D captured the essence of Jackass in one movie; this is just a bunch of best friends doing stupid shit to make you laugh, though this time they were pushing it for there growing ages. The end credits sequence pretty much sums everything up and on another high note, this worked in 3D.
4. Kick-Ass
Kick-Ass Review
5. The Last Exorcism
Attaching names to movies does work sometime even on me, Eli Roth’s name attached to the Last Exorcism did drag me to the cinema though I was happier with what I saw than I originally thought I would be. Back in 2009 Paranormal Activity really refreshed my hope in a downward spiral of horror movies that where coming out of Hollywood (remakes and reboots.) The Last Exorcism gave me the same chills and happiness in 2010 with an interesting story and spin on a genre that has been done to death by now.
Remember Me Review
7. Scott Pilgrim VS The World
Anything Edgar Wright does I shall follow none the less but Scott Pilgrim VS the World was a brilliant little gift in 2010. If you had of known me in my personal life you could have enjoyed my constant talk of how great this movie is and how it is possibly the first good game genre movie, though not based upon a game. Scott Pilgrim did not get the greatest ticket sales or reviews from critics due to it’s targeted audience and even then some of them thought it was crap. But if you got it, you got it and you enjoyed one of the best and funniest movies of 2010.
Scott Pilrgim VS The World Review
8. A Single Man
A movie about a single gay man directed by a fashion designer doesn’t sound too interesting but A Single Man was one of the most powerful films of 2010. Colin Firth delivers one of the best performances of his life and Tom Ford makes his first film one to be remembered. A single man is simply a beautiful movie no matter how you look at it.
9. The Town
Ben Affleck’s first directional debut Gone Baby Gone was a fantastic drama about a couple working as freelance investigators to find lost people. The Town was to be a more action orientated film, could he pull it off? Yes. The Town is a proper gritty crime story when the attention the realism sicks out as much as the fantastically written characters. Jeremy Renner delivers a very powerful performance and I’d prefer to remember him for this rather than the over rated The Hurt Locker.
10. Up In The Air
One of the first films I watched in 2010 stuck in my mind all the way to the end and it was Up in the Air. A film about superficial things and people is a simple thing but when done this well creates a wonderful experience. Up in the Air is a near perfect film in all areas.
Well that’s it my top ten movies of 2010 and a short little word from me. Although containing some of the usual suspects I hope it was entertaining enough. If you haven’t seen them all, your job is to do that and enjoy the movies in 2011.
your choice is so good,actually i am also intersted to look this type of film so i am very thanks of you regarding for excellent movie on Top Ten Movies.keep posting.......